Iowa Ideas 2025

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K12 Education

An exploration of the learning experience from pre-k and unique certifications.

    Attendance and classroom behavior

    School attendance is at an all-time low, with many educators attributing chronic absenteeism to the pandemic-a time when students were learning online and not required to attend school in person. Behavior in classrooms is also increasing, as teachers struggle to keep students on-task with social and emotional tools and trauma-informed care to help them learn. How are educators working toward solutions on these issues? How should teachers and families collaborate to help children succeed?

    Held on October 10, 2024 at 9:35AM


    School Infrastructure

    A new law in Iowa allows school districts to take general bond referendums to voters during a November election. This means more voter turnout and two fewer opportunities each year to put a bond on a ballot. In November 2023, the vast majority of bond proposals in Iowa failed, but this funding is vital to school districts maintaining their infrastructure as schools continue to be underfunded and the cost of construction rises with inflation. How are school districts seeking to overcome these challenges as some prepare to retake bonds to voters in November 2025? Many schools in 2024 are also asking voters to renew their PPEL. What is this and why is it critical?

    Held on October 10, 2024 at 11:45AM


    Charter Schools

    Eight charter school applications were approved in January 2024, for proposed schools in Cedar Rapids and Des Moines that could open by next fall. What needs are these charter schools trying to meet? How could this impact, and what is the response from traditional public-school leaders? Are charter schools being held to the same standards as traditional public schools? Are they able to exclude students?

    Held on October 10, 2024 at 1:55PM


    Recruiting and attracting educators to Iowa

    With increased attention on K-12 education in the Iowa legislature and 20 percent fewer people going to college for education degrees, Iowa school districts – especially in rural areas -- are in desparate need of teachers and other education professionals. How does this create challenges in teaching and learning? What are school districts offering to attract and retain educators and diversify their workforce? Is it working?

    Held on October 10, 2024 at 3:00PM


    Measuring effectiveness of special education and individual education plans

    The achievement levels of special education students were cited as a primary reason the state’s AEA system should be reimagined. What does Iowa’s special education look like and what are best practices when it comes to determining the achievement and effectiveness of individual education plans?

    Held on October 11, 2024 at 9:40AM


    Literacy and reading

    Under legislation being advanced by Iowa lawmakers, Iowa elementary school teachers would be required to teach literacy using the techniques commonly known as the "science of reading." Multiple studies have shown that students who are not able to read by third grade face much greater challenges in future academic success. What are Iowa's literacy scores compared to other states? How do they differ between racial and socioeconomic demographics? How are teachers receiving professional development in literacy, and are they seeing these tools pay off in the classroom?

    Held on October 11, 2024 at 11:50AM

K12 Education Articles

  • CEDAR RAPIDS — Prairie High School teacher Carry Miller believes she has “the absolute best kids in the school” in her “newcomer” class for immigrant and refugee students learning English. One of Miller’s favorite questions to ask her students is how many of them have owned chickens. She wants them to feel more connected across cultures and rec...
  • CEDAR RAPIDS — The first charter school to open in Cedar Rapids, called Empowering Excellence, is removing barriers for students by enabling them to learn at their own pace and on their own time. Miletha Culler, 16, turned to Empowering Excellence because she felt disconnected from traditional learning. At her previous school — Washington High ...
  • Iowa schools are experimenting with new ways of recruiting educators — including encouraging students to explore the profession, and shortening the workweek. More and more, however, the job is growing even more complex as schools also are being looked to for going beyond educating youth. Educators and staff are being asked to act as social servi...

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