In-Depth Week

All Eyes on Workforce

All Eyes on Workforce In-Depth Week Panelists

  • Jason Glass

  • Jasmine Almoayyed

  • Izaah Knox

  • Edward Timmons

  • Dawn Oliver Wiand

  • Anthony Arrington

  • Jeff Weld

    Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council

  • Robert Denson

  • Claudia Schabel

  • Courtney Reyes


  • Monday, September 20, 12 pm

    Watch Replay Now: The Workforce and COVID-19

    Moderator: Michael Chevy Castranova

    Panelists: Peter F. Orazem, Ryan West, Jason Glass, Jasmine Almoayyed

    The workforce that is returning to offices looks a lot different than it did pre-COVID. Meanwhile, remote opportunities could change the state's workforce. All this as employers and workers are navigating a much-changed workplace. What does the future of work look like and what are the opportunities and challenges of the remote workforce? What are the economic benefits and risks employers face and what does all of this mean for Iowa?

  • Tuesday, September 21, 12 pm

    Watch Replay Now: Workforce Barriers

    Moderator: Michael Chevy Castranova

    Panelists: Izaah Knox, Edward Timmons, Dawn Oliver Wiand, Anthony Arrington

    Whether it's administrative licensing, a criminal conviction or other barriers, removing the barriers can help people move up or qualify for better employment opportunities. We'll talk about some of the successes and work that still needs to be done in Iowa.

  • Wednesday, September 22, 12 pm

    Watch Replay Now: Feeding the Pipeline

    Moderator: Michael Chevy Castranova

    Panelists: Kyle Horn, Jeff Weld, Kathy Leggett, Robert Denson

    The state has seen significant growth in partnerships and apprenticeship programs, but what does the acceleration of people leaving employment mean? How has the pandemic impacted the workforce training and school-employer partnerships and should we be looking at additional workforce efforts?

  • Thursday, September 23, 12 pm

    Watch Replay Now: Marketing Iowa

    Moderator: Zack Kucharski

    Panelists: Lydia Brown, Christopher Diebel, Claudia Schabel, Courtney Reyes

    With a skilled worker shortage, the competition to get talent and attract new people to the state and grow their skills is already intense. As more baby boomers retire and there are more jobs than people to fill them, Iowa needs to create collaborations and partnerships to keep and grow Iowa talent. Are some of the efforts on tax reform and workforce training being negated by bills viewed as non-inclusive? How can the state best move forward?

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