In-Depth Week
Water Quality

Water Quality In-Depth Week Panelists
Allen Bonini
Larry Weber
Chuck Isenhart
Silvia Secchi
University of Iowa
Jamie Benning
Alicia Vasto
Greg LeFevre
Christy Remucal
David Andrews
Roy Hesemann
Trevyn Cunningham
Ted Corrigan
Monday, March 20, 12 pm
Watch Replay Now: Water Quality Policy Overview
Moderator: Zack Kucharski
Panelists: Allen Bonini, Larry Weber, Chuck Isenhart
How do you balance the needs of an agricultural economy with environmental and human health? With two-thirds of Iowa’s waterways considered impaired and nearly one-third of the nitrate load in the Mississippi watershed coming from Iowa, why is policy change so difficult?
Tuesday, March 21, 12 pm
Watch Replay Now: Private Wells
Moderator: Erin Jordan
Panelists: Jesse Campbell, Ethan Turben-Fuhrman, Silvia Secchi
While it’s recommended that wells in the state are tested annually, most aren’t. What are the risks? What is the data telling us about private wells in the state and what are we learning about water quality from the tests?
Wednesday, March 22, 12 pm
Watch Replay Now: Iowa's Nutrient Reduction Strategy
Moderator: Brittney Miller
Panelists: Neil Hamilton, Jamie Benning, Alicia Vasto
An in-depth discussion looking at Iowa’s plan to reduce nutrient contributions from wastewater plants and non-point sources like farm fields. How has the plan evolved? What additional revisions are needed and what is the political appetite for making them happen?
Thursday, March 23, 12 pm
Watch Replay Now: Emerging Contaminants
Moderator: Brittney Miller
Panelists: Greg LeFevre, Christy Remucal, David Andrews
Forever chemicals, or PFAS, have been getting significant attention, but other emerging contaminants are cause for concern in drinking water. Pharmaceuticals and other personal care products may also be having impacts on aquatic life in Iowa. This session will talk about PFAS as well as how emerging contaminants are catching the eyes of regulators and scientists.
Friday, March 24, 12 pm
Watch Replay Now: Keeping the water flowing: How do cities troubleshoot water challenges?
Moderator: Erin Jordan
Panelists: Roy Hesemann, Trevyn Cunningham, Ted Corrigan, Ingrid Gronstal
We’ll talk with city leaders about the costs and challenges of providing water and whether other policy changes could be better. We’ll also look at the wastewater processes and the impacts those have on water quality.